Well, we had a wonderful first Halloween in our first house. I wanted to take both of the kids trick or treating, but it ended up being in the middle of Stella's nap, and she's pretty fussy lately. I think her gums are sore, and when it ended up being chilly I was glad I didn't bring her.
I had the sweetest trick-or-treater though. After about 3 houses he stopped being shy, and was asking to go to "that house!". He's usually not scared of anything, but he wasn't crazy about the scary music several houses played. As soon as we would get close, he would start telling me there was scary music, but he still wanted to go. He was dedicated to the candy. :-) He got really good at "twick or tweat" after which he would say "thank you" and "Happy Ha-ween". He also got pretty excited when we saw a kid dressed up like Spiderman. We passed him at one house, and Siah kept saying, "Hey Spiderman! Spiderman! Hey! Wait for me!" He is so cute. My personal favorite was the house that had a parrot and a parakeet. The owners dressed up like pirates, and each had a bird on their shoulder. It took some time to convince Siah they were real birds. The creepiest house by far was the one that the funeral director lives at. He opened up the back of his hearse, and had a super-scary grim reaper outfit on, scary music, AND a vulture statue sitting beside him. But I tried not to judge and he seemed nice. I got to meet 3 of our neighbors for the first time and on the whole, grew to love our neighborhood even more.
I am also super-excited that there are new episodes of New Girl. I really want to make the theme song my ringtone. Or maybe everyone I call should make it the ringtone for when I call them. "Who's that girl? Who's that girl? It's Jess!" And it will be!
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