Monday, March 14, 2011

Houses and Panic Attacks

So obviously, it's been a long time since I've posted. There's been a lot going on, but I didn't want to talk about it and have things not work out. We've been looking for a house, and couple of weeks ago, we went back to the very first house we looked at. I had immediately loved this house, but TJ didn't like very much. Somehow, though, he kind of came around and now loves it just as much, if not more than I do! So we went to see it a second time, with Papa, and made sure we would be able to make the remodeling adjustments we'd like to, before we made an offer. Then we made an offer, and came to an agreement (after the typical haggling). :-)

Then came the real hassle. We went to get all the paperwork together to send in our mortgage application. Which would have been fine, but somehow a couple of my parents' loans with another bank showed up on my credit report. So the mortgage loan officer needed a letter from my parents' bank/credit bureau stating that my social security number was not affiliated in any way, shape or form - now or ever - to those account numbers. But you would have thought that these were the nuclear launch codes, it was so hard to get that stupid letter. I did get a letter stating that we had brought this error to their attention and that it was being disputed and fixed, but it had no specific information (i.e. account numbers or ss numbers). And I understand that they're trying to protect everyone's privacy and keep from getting sued, but it took almost a week to get this taken care of! First our friend at the bank tried to deal with the credit bureau people, and went back and forth with them, and then I finally got their number and after convincing two seperate people that I had, in fact, called the right department, we got down to writing the letter I needed. So after getting my permission to fax a letter with my social security number and my mother's account numbers (they didn't need her permission for some reason, go figure) to our mortgage loan officer, it's finally taken care of. But it was a little stressful. So now we're just waiting for them to process our application and for the house to be inspected/appraised! When we close, I'll feel good enough to post some pictures. But for now, I'm feeling kind of superstitious about showing pictures before the deal is 100% done. Our closing date will be April 29th, and we get to take possession right away. So we'll move in, and I'll have about a month before we have a baby. Talk about a busy couple of months.

Then in the middle of dealing with all of this stuff, I get a text message at 2:00 am one night from TJ saying that he almost went to the ER from work, because they thought he was having a heart attack. Talk about waking up quickly. TJ's always trying to do more than he should with church, on top of our house/mortgage stuff, and working 70-80 hours a week, and while he was at work he had gotten an email from one of the board members at church asking him to coordinate a remodeling job for the children's area. And apparently that just sent my poor husband over the edge, and he couldn't breathe, turned bright red, and freaked out his co-workers to the point they had him in the car before they realized he wasn't having a heart attack. So he's stepping back from some of the teams he helps out with at church, and the next night a couple of his co-workers brought him brown paper bags that had his name on them and said "Just Breathe". :-) Like I said, a lot going on.

Baby Ballet continues to get bigger and is still kicking me like crazy. This week though, one of my least favorite parts of pregnancy kicked in: acid reflux. I read somewhere that if you have a lot of acid reflux, it means your baby will have a lot of hair, and that was definitely true for Josiah. The doctor literally vacuumed out my uterus after Siah was born trying to clean up all the hair. It seems that Baby Ballet will also be born with a full head of hair. But I know I won't be complaining when we get to put the cute bows in her hair. I can't wait!


JuliaBellendir said...

I always love the picture of a doctor vacuuming out your uterus. Thanks for that.

jess said...

Sorry. Too much, maybe. :-)

Suzanne Slagell said...

Gross. For the record, I had horrific heartburn with both of mine and neither had much hair. Just another reason I hate pregnancy.

I'll pray that things go smoothly with the house. And I need pictures. For prayer purposes, obviously.